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SEND Provision

Our provision for students with SEND ​​

​​The vast majority of students who are referred to our service have a special educational need or combination of needs that has prevented them from accessing mainstream education, at least in the short term, and will require support and monitoring on return to school or post 16 education.

Every member of staff is experienced in working with SEND…. 

The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) is a highly experienced group: including senior roles in mainstream and special education settings. We have also considerable post graduate research experience. A member of the SLT is the qualified SENDCo and monitors the work of the service in respect of the SEND reforms and ensures that staff have the training they require to give students the support that they need.

We have other members of the teaching staff who have experience of being a SENDCo. Some members of staff have specialist experience / training in a particular special educational need, for example ASD or ADHD.

Students have a key member of staff who has responsibility for creating the programme for them, in response to assessment. They will also monitor their progress against outcomes set for them and report on this progress at the regular reviews. This member of staff will be a teacher.

In addition, students may require one to one support with a member of the support staff, who will make a contribution to the devising of programmes and monitoring process.

How we identify, assess and review progress… 

When a student is referred we request information from the students previous school about their prior attainment as well as the circumstances around the referral. We also read reports from or contact other professionals who have been working with the student. It is also important that we speak to yourselves and gather parents’ and student’ views about their needs.

To ensure that we have an up to date idea of the students’ academic attainment we carry out baseline assessment tests. An integration programme is arranged and reviewed regularly and adjusted at the pace of the student’s progress in negotiation with parents. This enables us to gain a full understanding of the student’s needs and any barriers to learning in order to organise an appropriate programme.

Whilst with us outcomes are set through Pupil Centred Plans (PCPs), which are monitored at least weekly but more often on occasions.  Parents are sent a weekly report indicating how the student is responding to their programme. Academic progress is tracked regularly so that we can respond to any underachievement by adjusting the programme. All programmes are reviewed by teaching staff on a half-termly basis as a matter of course and monitored by the SLT on a half-termly basis.

For those students accessing a directly commissioned place, once the initial assessment period has come to an end, a formal review will be organised to discuss the way forward. This may coincide with an annual review if the pupil has an EHCP. Students who are completing their compulsory education period with TMBSS will have a yearly review and at least three extended conversations involving the pupil and their parents if they have an EHCP.

How we adapt teaching to ensure access to the curriculum… 

Every student has a highly individualised programme.

The key member of staff for a student has specialism in / access to specialists for the Key Stage and a broad range of curriculum opportunities to choose from. It is possible to access curriculum areas from across the service or from carefully selected partners, for example boxing.

This range allows us to match the provision to suit the student’s learning style.  We have curriculum specialists who are able to deliver or advise on the adaptation of their subject.

Small group teaching enables us to be flexible with our approaches to accessing the curriculum. Overall pupils can be more involved in their learning and have greater control over the programme they are following.

How we provide support and intervention for those with identified needs… 

Often we seek advice from outside agencies who have expertise in a special educational need, for example, visual impairment. This helps us to make necessary adjustments to our practices to better support the student's learning.

There is a high adult:student ratio which allows student to have the support they need more readily. Support staff will be allocated to classes on the basis of need. Staff meet regularly and assess where support is required most.

At times a student may have a need that benefits from intensive 1:1 intervention to address an identified learning need. This will be planned and monitored by a member of the teaching staff in consultation with specialist outside agencies. The programme will usually be delivered by a member of the support staff.

Staff have access to training courses on special educational needs courses through the LA or specialist organisations. Each Centre has an ELSA trained member of staff. Staff training needs are annually appraised. Each year a whole service conference is organised addressing a specific issue.​
Primarily, our purpose is to educate students and our practitioners are teachers, teaching assistants and learning mentors. Our staff team are immensely experienced in working with students in need of specific support and as a consequence are able to apply therapeutic principles in their approach to teaching and learning. In particular our learning mentors have specialised approaches to work intensively with students 1:1.
We also have staff who have further training in therapeutic areas who can work directly with students requiring this approach or advise other staff.
Therapeutic approaches used include:

  • Lego Therapy
  • Art Therapy
  • Bereavement counselling.
  • Counselling
  • No Worries
  • Mindfulness
  • Sports Therapy
  • Anger Management

Useful links and information

The Shropshire SEND Strategy is now live and available to view on the local offer here.

SEND Progress report