Governing Body
The function of the Governing Body is to govern the School in accordance with the Law and Government Requirements. More specifically the task is to ensure the clarity of the Vision, Ethos and Strategic Direction of the School, to hold the Head Teacher accountable for the performance of the School and to ensure the Budget is set and managed responsibly.​
Please click the link below to see PDFs showing the membership of our Governing Body and Subcommittees.
Welcome from Mr Steve Lunt, Chair of Governors​
May I take this opportunity to welcome you to the TMBSS website and service.
The website itself has recently been updated and re-launched and I hope you find it an accessible, helpful and practical guide to the service. Within it you will find sections relevant to all aspects of our provision and policies as well as practical information such as term dates etc.
TMBSS now has seven centres spread geographically across Shropshire supporting students with SEMH (Social, Emotional, Mental Health) and medical needs through all four key stages. In addition to specialist teachers and Learning Support Assistants we have our own Educational Psychologist, Educational Welfare Officer and Family Support Worker as well as hospital educational co-ordinators based at The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Hospital and the Princess Royal Hospital. We also liaise closely with a wide range of professional agencies. This enables us to provide a bespoke level of service which aims to meet the needs of individual students.
We did have a successful OFSTED inspection in 2018 but we are far from complacent about our work and so our Development Plan aims to achieve “outstanding” provision and outcomes for the students we serve. Our aim is for students to be “World Ready” when they leave us.
It is my privilege to lead a strong team of governors at TMBSS. This includes practising and recently retired educational professionals, retired clinical specialists, county councillors, staff representatives and parents of current and previous students. I believe it is fair to say that the pandemic was extremely challenging at times for both the service and governance but I am pleased to say that through regular digital “TEAMS” meetings on line we have been able to continue to support and challenge Greg and his staff. A range of committees meets regularly to review all aspects of our provision and an annual event sees governors meeting with the senior leadership team to review the school’s Self-Evaluation judgements.
Finally, it is important to recognise that the service does continue to face challenges on a number of fronts which may or not be connected. Firstly, we have recently seen an escalating number of permanently excluded pupils from mainstream schools who need our support. This may be associated with the impact of the pandemic. We do, however, see more generally, the impact of mental health and well-being issues that our young people are confronting in the modern age. It is in our response to these challenges, that the true measure of our service will be found.
With best wishes
Steve Lunt