Curriculum intent
The students who join TMBSS are at different stages of their own personal journey. A journey that has often been difficult, traumatic, and unconventional. Our curriculum content and sequencing are designed to allow our transient and dynamic student population to overcome their barriers to learning, re-engage with education and successfully transition to an appropriate educational provision or post 16 destination.
Students join at any time during the school year and are with us for varying amounts of time. Some will stay with us for only a few months, but others will remain until the end of year 11. The starting point of each student differs, due to the transient nature of the student cohort and their differing prior knowledge. At the start of each placement, rigorous baseline assessments are undertaken by all students. These, together with information shared by their previous educational provision are used to plan and sequence each student’s individual programme of study.
As TMBSS students are transitioning between educational placements, the need for structure and continuity is considered when sequencing the curriculum and close links are maintained with mainstream schools. In order to be ambitious for all our students, our curriculum has to be flexible and personalised to meet their diverse needs, embracing opportunities for ‘in the moment’ learning when these arise.
Alternative provisions and planned enrichment activities are widely used to enhance the curriculum of many students, by promoting social and emotional wellbeing, re-engaging them to improve attendance and providing them with experiences that promote access to suitable post 16 destinations.
Specialist services, including our own Educational psychologist, are used to identify barriers to learning and provide support as required. For some students our core interventions are around improving mental health, social and emotional skills and attendance. A small number of students require a period of time on a bespoke educational program, to support their emotional regulation and allow them to begin to re-access their education. However, this support is delivered whilst still maintaining aspirational academic standards and providing access to high quality level education.
Curriculum Model
Formal Curriculum refers to the age appropriate broad and balanced curriculum that TMBSS provides for all students, as part of the Universal Offer. This is the relevant Key Stage of the National Curriculum, influenced by accreditation requirements.
Developmental Curriculum refers to a developmentally sequenced, small steps curriculum which underpins the formal curriculum and tracks concepts back to the child’s individual level of cognition.
Personal Curriculum refers to all of the therapeutic and supportive elements required to promote independence and ensure that the chid is available for learning.
Balance across the 3 elements of the curriculum ensures that learners leave TMBSS WORLD READY.